
merry canmas

the Can Situation has been on my mind for a while. i probably have close to a hundred coffee cans now, which recently overwhelmed the original Containment Unit (a bookshelf) and forced me to relegate a bunch of them to a backup unit (cardboard box). as a solution, i've been considering different types of permanent displays, ranging from straightforward (memorabilia display cases from the craft store) to whimsical (hanging them from the ceiling like a mobile) to prohibitively expensive and impractical (an actual japanese vending machine). then, when i was putting up this little fake christmas tree the other day, a very temporary solution occurred to me: hanging them as ornaments. they are just about the perfect size, come in a variety of colors that are sometimes even shiny, and the tabs make them easy to hook and hang. i know most people come here for the can coffee content which i haven't been the best at providing lately, so hopefully this will help put an end to the drought. for all i know this site is the only place where it's possible to get that can coffee fix, so this is my christmas present to all the canned coffeeheads out there.