reading lists

the book trade offer™

send me a book you want me to read (my email is the site name, and i'll read it provided you agree to read a book i choose. nothing is off the table but be aware, if you propose anything particularly objectionable (e.g. “romantasy”) be prepared for me to offer in exchange something enormously long and/or dry like hegel’s phenomenology of the spirit. my book choices come with no guarantees, you can always decline the trade offer, i have absolutely no idea if this is something i'll be good at, i may come at it from different angles, basing it off your vibes, specific desires (if any), or at complete random. on my honor i will hold up my end of any book trade agreement, but i'm not sure how i'll enforce it on the other end if needed... perhaps through a campaign of online harrassment, or sending envelopes stuffed with menacing powders, or by demanding satisfaction in a duel.