"the world is made of crossword puzzles"

something i've noticed a lot is that people who are really into a particular field or paradigm will see it everywhere through parallels and associations, often to the point of declaring that the world is really just all x or x is behind everything (x being whatever it is they are into). a few of these have pretty widespread acceptance because they're explicitly supposed to be related to the study of the structure of the world, like religion or philosophy or the "purest" sciences like physics or math. but reading a lot of writing by people who are experts or deeply interested in various fields, you realize that almost everyone who gets deep into something starts seeing glimpses of the hidden structure of the world through whatever it is they're into.

hence, the crossword puzzle maniac tells you with complete sincerity: "the world is made of crossword puzzles". the particular example that's been on my mind lately is this guy who was a successful options trader (a specific type of stonks thing) for many years who made his bag and then retired. in retirement, he spent a decade or so reading a bunch of stuff like old greek philosophy and modern math papers, all for his magnum opus: a series of books that basically says the world is like options trading. a more familiar, recent example is how all these computer scientists, tech dudes, and gamers are now trying to tell us the whole world is a simulation (that is to say, a video game, made of computers and code). even i find myself doing something similar, i'm starting to see optimalism lurking behind all the world's ills, and suboptimalism as the solution. i'll write something that i think is completely unrelated, and then realize later, oh wait this just ties into suboptimalism/optimalism againi think to myself "i am going to take a break from building the suboptimalism pyramid, i mean it's not like it will ever be finished anyways cause it has to be suboptimal, so i'm just gonna haul this big new block i chiseled out and start on a new building over here" and then i notice "wait a second this is still within the pyramid foundation, just a different part from the one i was focused on before".

there are a lot of potential explanations for this phenomenon. a boring, reasonable, "scientific" explanation is that the availability heuristic or something results in people being naturally biased to see things in terms of concepts they're most familiar with. but what about the alternative, what if everyone's individual observations are actually correct, what if everyone is simultaneously right when they see the entire structure of the world in each of their individual spheres? there is one way this is possible. the kabbalistic view of the universe is that it is fractal, that each smaller portion of it is a self-similar, if somewhat distorted, replica of the whole. so, while looking at all their small distinct parts, everyone is in fact still seeing a reflection of the same unified whole. as blake put it:

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour