writings catalog
suboptimalism & optimalism
- the suboptimalist manifesto
incomplete perfection; complete imperfection
philosophy, short
- behold! the optimalists
checking in with the other side
collection and commentary, ongoing, medium
- Optimalism
my nemesis kit anderson a.k.a. "the optimalist" briefly takes over the site to post his pathetic drivel
optimalism, long
otaku studies
- is databased culture debased?
reviewed: "otaku: japan's database animals"
cultural criticism, medium
- cult of the character
tracking a trend in otaku culture
cultural criticism
- reading lists
doesn't actually contain much writing but whatever
literature, ongoing
- the review of internet literature
surveying internet contributions to literature
literature, ongoing, long
- literature is divine revelation
an approach to literary criticism
meta lit crit, incomplete, medium
- the strange secret literary history of the da vinci code
the real conspiracy to create a fake conspiracy
literature?, medium
- some selections from flaubert's dictionary of received ideas
still relevant well over a century later
literature, medium
canned coffee
- canned coffee collection
canned coffee
canned coffee
- canned coffee chronicles: a visit to the UCC coffee museum
a rare report from the field
canned coffee, short
- canned coffee field reports
harrowing reports from my expeditions
canned coffee, medium
- february canned coffee "news" roundup
dubiously-newsworthy canned coffee stuff i saw in february
canned coffee, short
- march "canned" coffee "news" roundup
featuring fewer cans than ever before
canned coffee, short
annual q&a
- end-of-year reader mailbox replies (2022)
featuring: chatgpt, book burnings, colorblindness
q&a, medium
- start-of-year reader mailbox replies (2024)
titled for maximum confusion
- new year reader mailbox replies (2025)
the longest and least hinged edition yet
neoshitties stuff
- some undocumented neocities mechanics
techno-mystic reveals esoteric secrets from year
s of research
collection and commentary, ongoing, medium
- what happened to yesterweb?
an investigation and case study
internet anthropology, long
deep memetics, social media, and internet theory
- tlön, uqbar, orbis internetius
borges and the internet
deep memetics, internet theory, literature, medium
- bootstrapping tlön: the internet's underlying insanity
invisible masses & visible outliers
deep memetics, internet theory, short
- parable of the cube
the outrage is the point
social media ecology, short
- good news, the internet as we know it may be doomed
nothing is forever
internet theory, long
- how the touchscreen transformed the internet
opening the portal
internet theory, short
- hawaii "picture" diary
i tried, i REALLY tried to take lots of pictures
hawaii, travel
- the los angeles notebooks: an urban odyssey
faithfully transcribed from the typewritten manuscripts
travel, blog
- six stunning photos that will make you rethink North Dakota and possibly Life
words evaded me for once so i took some pictures
north dakota, photography
advice (?)
- learning japanese: the suboptimalist perspective
tl;dr literally everything is trying to prevent you from learning japanese
and it has not yet been demonstrated under satisfactory controlled experimental conditions that it is even possible to learn it
- i reduced my phone screen usage by 50% using this one weird trick
it really works!
advice, blog, medium
- (un)conventional wisdom
do not try to organize a fan convention
- site design notes
when you work alone, you're allowed to make whatever unmaintainable mess you're willing to put up with
site meta, blog, advice?
- doing one thing at a time
also: how my addiction to competitive pokemon breeding was cured
blog, advice?
new american mythos
- disneyland apotheosis
Disney Magic is real magic
new american mythos
- yodie land: complicity with anonymous spaces
this land is your land, this land is my land
new american mythos, short
- non non sequitur
cracking the japanese concrete conundrum
investigation, incomplete, long
- hyperstimulation (I)
birds & bees and bugs & bottles
possible literary forgery, short
- "the world is made of crossword puzzles"
it's more likely than you think
metaphysics, short
- top 10 reasons why pump it up is better than dance dance revolution
the definitive and final refutation of a senile dance game
"music", incomplete, long
- MUJI portland grand opening, 2018